Venue: UNEP headquarters (Gigiri), Nairobi, Kenya.Summary of outcomes: Under the Chairmanship of Mr Juan Simonelli (Argentina), ICC-12 considered twelve specific submissions regarding Party implementation and compliance with the national reporting obligation and the obligation to designate a focal point and a competent authority. Among other things, the ICC decided that the compliance matters regarding Afghanistan and Togo had been resolved, it approved two compliance action plans submitted respectively by Eritrea and Liberia as well as new compliance action submitted by Togo, and it monitored the progress made by Bhutan, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau and Swaziland in implementing their compliance action plans with the support of the implementation fund. The ICC also adopted decision pertaining to the submissions regarding Libya, Oman and Turkmenistan. The ICC also considered the extended Secretariat trigger and reviewed the operation of the implementation fund. In this respect, the ICC agreed to recommend information exchange modalities between the ICC and the Executive Board of the UNEP special programme and recommended that the institutional link between both entities be strengthened. ICC-12 also made progress on all the general issues of implementation and compliance under its work programme. On illegal traffic, the ICC considered the outcome of the consultations with the OEWG-10 and agreed on the way forward to develop a final version of the guidance on paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 9 of the Convention for the consideration and possible adoption by COP-13. On insurance, bond and guarantee, the ICC agreed that further work was needed prior to submitting guidance to the consideration of the COP. On national reporting, the ICC considered the draft classification of individual compliance performance with the national reporting obligation for 2013, it agreed on a series of steps to improve the completeness and timeliness of national reporting, including a side event on national reporting during COP-13, and it agreed to revise the guidance manual on improving national reporting in light of the revised format for national reporting. On the control system, the ICC considered key issues pertaining to transit transboundary movements, agreeing to invite the COP to develop guidance on the matter The ICC also agreed to recommend that the COP initiate work towards the development of electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents. It further decided to initiate work towards the development of guidance on Article 11 agreements and arrangements. Finally, the ICC agreed to a series of steps to improve the development of adequate national legal frameworks implementing the Basel Convention, including the development of guidance, the monitoring of steps taken under the Convention and by partners to assist Parties in developing such frameworks, and a mechanism for Parties and the ICC to review national legal frameworks.ICC-12 was suspended on 6 June 2016 and will resume for an online meeting early October 2016 with a view to the ICC further considering submissions regarding Bhutan, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Oman, Swaziland and Turkmenistan as well as finalizing its recommendations to the COP concerning steps to improve the completeness and timeliness of national reporting.”Working Language(s): English