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The indirect or direct alteration of the biological, thermal, physical, or radioactive properties of any medium in such a way as to create a hazard or potential hazard to human health or to the health, safety or welfare of any living species. (Source: GEMET/ALL)

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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with Pollution

You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to view the content tagged with Pollution. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.
Basel Convention
Convention on Migratory Species
Montreal Protocol
World Heritage Convention
Barcelona Convention
Dumping Protocol
Prevention and Emergency Protocol
Land-Based Sources Protocol
Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity Protocol
Offshore Protocol
Hazardous Wastes Protocol
Abidjan Convention
Noumea Convention
Cartagena Convention
Jeddah Convention
Minamata Convention on Mercury
Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas
United Nations Environment Assembly

Learning resources

Marine litter and plastic pollution course
Marine and Freshwater
Marine debris, Pollution