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Authorities appointed by the Government shall establish regulations on the criteria of European Commission approved measures in eco-labelling. The Act establishes provisions for the implementation of a European Community programme for the award of an ecolabel to products pursuant to Council Regulation No. 880 of 1992. The Government shall appoint a public body and shall further establish criteria to be complied with by products in order to be allowed to carry the eco-label. The Act also applies the Secrecy Act (2009:400).
Authorities appointed by the Government shall establish regulations on the criteria of European Commission approved measures in eco-labelling. The Act establishes provisions for the implementation of a European Community programme for the award of an ecolabel to products pursuant to Council Regulation No. 880 of 1992. The Government shall appoint a public body and shall further establish criteria to be complied with by products in order to be allowed to carry the eco-label. The Act also applies
Act (2013:849) on EU Ecolabel.
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