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This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to the Act on the air. In particular, the present Act amends provisions concerning acceptable level of air pollution (specified in art. 4 of the amended Act), requirements for new installations of stationary sources of air pollution (art. 14), obligations of operators of large sources and operators of medium sources (art. 15) and supplements transitional provisions for regulations effective sinces 1 November 2012.
This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to the Act on the air. In particular, the present Act amends provisions concerning acceptable level of air pollution (specified in art. 4 of the amended Act), requirements for new installations of stationary sources of air pollution (art. 14), obligations of operators of large sources and operators of medium sources (art. 15) and supplements transitional provisions for regulations effective sinces 1 November 2012.
Act amending the Act on the air.
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