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This Act is composed of eight articles. Art. 1 amends the Act on quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs. Art. 3 amends the Act on organization of market for milk and milk preserver. Art. 4 amends the Act on products of animal origin. Art. 5 amends the Act on safety of food and nutrition. This Act concerns labeling and packaging of foodstuffs to be delivered as such to the ultimate consumer as well as certain aspects of the presentation and advertising of food products. This Act establishes also rules governing the marketing of eggs. These provisions cover quality characteristics to be met by eggs, as well as marking and packaging requirements.
This Act is composed of eight articles. Art. 1 amends the Act on quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs. Art. 3 amends the Act on organization of market for milk and milk preserver. Art. 4 amends the Act on products of animal origin. Art. 5 amends the Act on safety of food and nutrition. This Act concerns labeling and packaging of foodstuffs to be delivered as such to the ultimate consumer as well as certain aspects of the presentation and advertising of food products. This Act establis
Act amending the Act on quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs, and some other acts.
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