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This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to the Breeding Act. In particular, the present Act amends provisions concerning obligations of breeders of registered animals (art. 23 of the amended Act), obligations of operators of slaughterhouses, operators of hatchery, assembly centers, dealers, transporters, operators of user equipment and sanitation companies (art. 23a), and details on registration system managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (art. 23b).
This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to the Breeding Act. In particular, the present Act amends provisions concerning obligations of breeders of registered animals (art. 23 of the amended Act), obligations of operators of slaughterhouses, operators of hatchery, assembly centers, dealers, transporters, operators of user equipment and sanitation companies (art. 23a), and details on registration system managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (art. 23b).
Act amending the Breeding Act.
Czech Republic
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