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This Act amends 34 points of the Feedstuffs Act. In particular, the Act establishes requirements for the safety of products to feed animals. An operator may import, place on the market and use only such products to feed animal, which are healthy, unadulterated and of merchantable quality, not danger to animal and human health and to the environment, no adverse impact on livestock production and are safe due to the provisions of the European Community. The Act establishes also the approval procedure, registration procedure, storage of feedstuffs, and biological testing of feedstuffs.
This Act amends 34 points of the Feedstuffs Act. In particular, the Act establishes requirements for the safety of products to feed animals. An operator may import, place on the market and use only such products to feed animal, which are healthy, unadulterated and of merchantable quality, not danger to animal and human health and to the environment, no adverse impact on livestock production and are safe due to the provisions of the European Community. The Act establishes also the approval proced
Act amending the Feedstuffs Act.
Czech Republic
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