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This Act amends 206 points of the Veterinary Act and two points of the Breeding Act. In particular, the Act establishes provisions concerning obligations of breeders dealing with breading of aquaculture animals for business purposes (art. 5a of the Veterinary Act), and amends provisions concerning: relocation and domestic transport of cattle, swine, sheep or goats (art. 8); retail establishments where meat and meat products intended for direct sale to consumers, are prepared and produced (art. 24a); sales of small quantities of products from primary production to the final consumer (art. 27a, 27b); professionally qualified persons who work as veterinary experts (art. 59); qualifications for professional veterinarians for people from third countries (art. 59b).
This Act amends 206 points of the Veterinary Act and two points of the Breeding Act. In particular, the Act establishes provisions concerning obligations of breeders dealing with breading of aquaculture animals for business purposes (art. 5a of the Veterinary Act), and amends provisions concerning: relocation and domestic transport of cattle, swine, sheep or goats (art. 8); retail establishments where meat and meat products intended for direct sale to consumers, are prepared and produced (art. 2
Act amending the Veterinary Act and the Breeding Act.
Czech Republic
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