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This Act carries into effect provisions of Title 7.5 of the Civil Code (on land lease), which incorporates provisions of the land Lease Act which has been repealed at the coming into force of the Title. The provisions here implemented concerning Land Tribunals to be designated by the Crown. There shall also be a Central Land Tribunal. The Land Tribunal shall have jurisdiction in applications for the approval of (modification or ending) land lease agreements.
This Act carries into effect provisions of Title 7.5 of the Civil Code (on land lease), which incorporates provisions of the land Lease Act which has been repealed at the coming into force of the Title. The provisions here implemented concerning Land Tribunals to be designated by the Crown. There shall also be a Central Land Tribunal. The Land Tribunal shall have jurisdiction in applications for the approval of (modification or ending) land lease agreements.
Consolidated version of Stb. 164 of 2007 as at 19 March 2012 and amended last by Stb. 19 of 2012.
Act for the carrying into effect of Titel 7.5 (Lease) of the Civil Code concerning the composition and work procedures of the Land Tribunals and the Central Land Tribunal (Executive Act Land Tribunals).
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