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The Central Institute of Agricultural Control and Experimentation operates under the Ministry of Agriculture and carries out several functions in the field of agricultural experimentation and control in agricultural activities, with particular regard to: viniculture, production of agricultural commodities, seeds and seedlings of cultivated plants, hop protection, fertilizers, additive soil substances, additive plant preparations and substrates and agrochemical testing of agricultural soil and protection of plant variety rights. The Act is composed of the following Sections: (1) Central Institute of Agricultural Control and Experimentation; (2) Amendments to the Act on viniculture and winegrowing; (3) Amendments to the Feedstuffs Act; (4) Amendments to the Fertilizers Act; (5) Amendments to the Act on the protection of plant variety rights; (6) Transitional provisions; (7) Entry into force.
The Central Institute of Agricultural Control and Experimentation operates under the Ministry of Agriculture and carries out several functions in the field of agricultural experimentation and control in agricultural activities, with particular regard to: viniculture, production of agricultural commodities, seeds and seedlings of cultivated plants, hop protection, fertilizers, additive soil substances, additive plant preparations and substrates and agrochemical testing of agricultural soil and pr
Act on the Central Institute of Agricultural Control and Experimentation.
Czech Republic
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