This Act establishes the Product Branch for Fish and Fish Products, a semi-public organization for enterprises involved in fishery, the processing of fish products for food or animal feed and the trade in fish or fish products. The Product Branch shall act as regulatory body for the industry. The matters that the Product Branch shall regulate include, among other things: the trade in fish products; the labelling of products; packing of products; technical standards for premises to safeguard hygiene and quality of products; the registration and administration of enterprises; the supervision and control of the industry; and funds required for the development of the industry.
This Act establishes the Product Branch for Fish and Fish Products, a semi-public organization for enterprises involved in fishery, the processing of fish products for food or animal feed and the trade in fish or fish products. The Product Branch shall act as regulatory body for the industry. The matters that the Product Branch shall regulate include, among other things: the trade in fish products; the labelling of products; packing of products; technical standards for premises to safeguard hygi
Consolidated version of the Act of 24 May 1956 as at 15 January 2015 and as amended last by Stb. 1991, 350.
Act concerning the establishment of the Product Branch for Fish and Fish Products.
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