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This Act makes provision for selected matters relative to water resources management and related matters such as the (temporary) transfer of waterworks from the State to private or public entities, the making of legislation relative to water resource management in case of neglect or otherwise inactivity by local authorities, maintenance of public waterworks, measures in case of damage to or non execution of public waterworks and matters of decision-making regarding Polder Boards covering more than one province.
This Act makes provision for selected matters relative to water resources management and related matters such as the (temporary) transfer of waterworks from the State to private or public entities, the making of legislation relative to water resource management in case of neglect or otherwise inactivity by local authorities, maintenance of public waterworks, measures in case of damage to or non execution of public waterworks and matters of decision-making regarding Polder Boards covering more th
Consolidation of the Act as at 19 July 2010.
Act containing general rules on water resources management (Water Resources Management Act 1900).
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