This Act provides rules relative timber cutting and reforestation for purposes of forest resources management and protection. It imposes duties of notification regarding felling on forestry operators and replanting of trees in cases other than felling for forest management purposes on owners of forests. The Ministers may prohibit the felling of timber, other than for forestry protection and management purposes, for a period of maximum five years.
This Act provides rules relative timber cutting and reforestation for purposes of forest resources management and protection. It imposes duties of notification regarding felling on forestry operators and replanting of trees in cases other than felling for forest management purposes on owners of forests. The Ministers may prohibit the felling of timber, other than for forestry protection and management purposes, for a period of maximum five years.
Consolidated version of Act of 20 July 1961 as at 15 March 2012 and amended last by Stb. 19 of 2012.
Act containing new provisions relative to the conservation of forests and other timber resources (Forestry Act).
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