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This Act provides for proprietary rights relating to and trade in plants or parts thereof that are intended for cultivation by planting or sowing or by any other means ("plant propagating material"), and for matters related therewith. It implements provisions of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of plants as revised in 1979. The Act establishes a Council for Plant Varieties which shall register plants varieties in the plant varieties register.
This Act provides for proprietary rights relating to and trade in plants or parts thereof that are intended for cultivation by planting or sowing or by any other means ("plant propagating material"), and for matters related therewith. It implements provisions of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of plants as revised in 1979. The Act establishes a Council for Plant Varieties which shall register plants varieties in the plant varieties register.
Consolidated version of the Act of 2005, as last amended by the Act of 17 April 2019, published in the State Gazette no. 173 of 2019.
Act containing new rules relative to admission of varieties, the placing on the market of plant reproduction material and the granting of plant breeders' rights (Seeds and Planting Material Act 2005).
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