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The Act makes provision for the protection and conservation of natural features of outstanding value because of their beauty or scientific significance. Chapter I contains definitions. Chapter III concerns the selection and declaration of protected natural monuments by the Minister. The declaration shall not be made in respect of natural monuments that are owned by the State. The Minister shall notify its intention of declaration by Decree and may, in case of urgency, make legal consequences of the Decree immediately applicable to the declared monument. Article 12 and following define the legal consequences of the declaration. In general it shall be prohibited without an authorization issued by the Minister to carry out activities in a natural monument that may (potentially) harm it. The Minister may adopt, in consultation with interested parties, a management and conservation plan for the monument pursuant to article 14. It shall be prohibit to hunt or kill animals or to destroy or collect plants in a natural monument except by its owners and authorized persons (art. 16). Chapter IV concerns natural monuments of the State. Article 25 concerns compensation to farmers in protected areas.
The Act makes provision for the protection and conservation of natural features of outstanding value because of their beauty or scientific significance. Chapter I contains definitions. Chapter III concerns the selection and declaration of protected natural monuments by the Minister. The declaration shall not be made in respect of natural monuments that are owned by the State. The Minister shall notify its intention of declaration by Decree and may, in case of urgency, make legal consequences of
Consolidated version of the Act of 1967 as at 11 February 2005.
Act containing provisions relative to nature protection.
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