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This Act implements obligations for the Netherlands deriving from international agreements and regarding the pollution of the marine environment by ships and shall provide for implementation of European legislation in the field of pollution by ships. It, among other things: provides for regulation-making powers of the Ministers; imposes duties port managers and managers of port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues; and provides rules for seagoing vessels flying the Dutch vessels and other vessels to be designated by Law. The Inspector-General shall issue certificates to vessels that meet conditions to be laid down by Ministerial Decree. The Act makes provision for measures of enforcement.
This Act implements obligations for the Netherlands deriving from international agreements and regarding the pollution of the marine environment by ships and shall provide for implementation of European legislation in the field of pollution by ships. It, among other things: provides for regulation-making powers of the Ministers; imposes duties port managers and managers of port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues; and provides rules for seagoing vessels flying the Du
Consolidated version of 22 July 2010.
Act containing rules relative to prevention of pollution by ships.
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