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This Act provides rules for the protection of the Antarctic environment so as to implement provisions of the Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection. The Act defines duties of Ministers and various prohibitions regarding the environment of the Antarctic. These prohibitions concern, among other things, mining activities, the dumping of waste, the damaging of fauna or flora, the introduction of alien species and the discharge of waste water. Activities that may affect the environment require a permit and an environment impact assessment shall be submitted together with the application for such permit.
This Act provides rules for the protection of the Antarctic environment so as to implement provisions of the Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection. The Act defines duties of Ministers and various prohibitions regarding the environment of the Antarctic. These prohibitions concern, among other things, mining activities, the dumping of waste, the damaging of fauna or flora, the introduction of alien species and the discharge of waste water. Activities that may affect the envi
Consolidated version of an Act of 5 March 1998 as at 19 July 2010.
Act containing rules relative to protection of the Antarctic environment so as to implement the Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection (Antarctic Protection Act).
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