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The scope of this Act is to regulate the quality of fertilizing placed upon the market, their use and to protect the soil form possible harmful effects of the use of those fertilizers. "Fertilizers" (defined in section 1, includes both organic and inorganic fertilizers.
The Act consists of 78 sections divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Rules relative to trade in fertilizing substances (II); Permits (III); Rules in the interest of an effective discharge of excess of fertilizing substances (III); Charges (IV); Rules to prevent an irresponsible extension of the production of manure (V); Miscellaneous (VI); Supervision (VII).
It is prohibited to trade in fertilizing substances that do not meet standards laid down in section 3 (sect. 4). Sections 5 and following provide for permits for the trade in fertilizing substances. Section 6 of Chapter III provides for regulation making powers of the Minister with respect of discharge of excess of fertilizers. Section 10 (Title 2) provides for the establishment of so-called fertilizer exchanges, on which excess of production can be traded.
The scope of this Act is to regulate the quality of fertilizing placed upon the market, their use and to protect the soil form possible harmful effects of the use of those fertilizers. "Fertilizers" (defined in section 1, includes both organic and inorganic fertilizers.
Consolidated version of Stb. 598 of 1986 as amended last on 31 December 2017.Chapter V shall cease to be valid at 1 January 2015.
Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal of fertilizing substances (Fertilizing Substances Act).
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