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This Act aims at ensuring a high level of environmental protection which can contribute to integrating environmental measures into the preparation and adoption of plans and programs promoting sustainable development. For this scope to take effect, environmental assessment is carried out on significant effects on the environment caused by factors such as biodiversity, population, human health, flora, fauna, soil, land, water, air, climatic factors , material assets, landscape, cultural heritage, natural disaster risks and accidents. The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark shall regulate this Act and coordinate the required procedures for said environmental assessment of projects which may impact international protected areas and protected species.
The Act consists of 20 Chapters divided into V Sections: Purpose and scope (I); Environmental Assessment of plans and programs (II); Environmental Assessment of specific projects (III); Designation of authorities, consultation, publication (IV); Administrative provisions, penalties, entry into force (V).
Appendix 1 - Information provided in article 7, section 2.
Appendix 2 - Criteria for determining the likely significance of effects on the environment as referred in art. 4, sect. 2.
This Act aims at ensuring a high level of environmental protection which can contribute to integrating environmental measures into the preparation and adoption of plans and programs promoting sustainable development. For this scope to take effect, environmental assessment is carried out on significant effects on the environment caused by factors such as biodiversity, population, human health, flora, fauna, soil, land, water, air, climatic factors , material assets, landscape, cultural heritage,
This Act does not apply to Greenland nor to the Faroe Islands.
Act on environmental assessment of plans and programs (No. 425 of 2016).
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