Chapter IV, here replaced, makes provision for charges and subsidies in relation with water pollution. Charges may be imposed by Quality Managers not being a State body, in order to compensate for costs resulting form prevention of water pollution (art. 18). The basis for the charge is the annual amount of discharged substances and its characteristics (art. 19). Articles 20 to 22 provide for the calculation of the charge. Article 23 provides for a charge for compensation of costs made by the State. Quality Managers may use funds only for purposes indicated in section 27.
Chapter IV, here replaced, makes provision for charges and subsidies in relation with water pollution. Charges may be imposed by Quality Managers not being a State body, in order to compensate for costs resulting form prevention of water pollution (art. 18). The basis for the charge is the annual amount of discharged substances and its characteristics (art. 19). Articles 20 to 22 provide for the calculation of the charge. Article 23 provides for a charge for compensation of costs made by the Sta
Act No. 135 of 2000 to relative to replacement of Chapter IV of the Surface Waters Pollution Act.
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