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The Act regulates the production and placing on the market of seeds and propagating material for horticulture and floriculture. The seeds are divided into the following categories: (1) basic seed; (2) certified seed; (3) standard seed. On the basis of said distinction different provisions are established as regards the following: (a) quality requirements as to seed production and trade; (b) packaging methods and information to be provided in the labels; (c) compilation and management of the national catalogues of varieties accepted for certification and marketing, as per Directive No. 458 of 29 September 1970 of the European Communities; (d) authorization by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry to the placing on the market of seeds.
The Act regulates the production and placing on the market of seeds and propagating material for horticulture and floriculture. The seeds are divided into the following categories: (1) basic seed; (2) certified seed; (3) standard seed. On the basis of said distinction different provisions are established as regards the following: (a) quality requirements as to seed production and trade; (b) packaging methods and information to be provided in the labels; (c) compilation and management of the nati
Law No. 195 of 1976 amending and supplementing Act No. 1096 of 1971 regulating the seed sector.
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