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These amendments are introduced to revise rules relative to the prevention and reduction of the production of waste and to the disposal of waste. "Waste" are waste substances as listed in Annex I to Council Directive 75/442/EEC which the holder of that waste disposes, must dispose, or wishes to dispose (sect. 1.1). The Minister shall draft and approve at least four times a year a waste disposal plan (section 10.3 and following). Most amendments are made in Chapter 10 concerning the production and treatment of waste matters.
These amendments are introduced to revise rules relative to the prevention and reduction of the production of waste and to the disposal of waste. "Waste" are waste substances as listed in Annex I to Council Directive 75/442/EEC which the holder of that waste disposes, must dispose, or wishes to dispose (sect. 1.1). The Minister shall draft and approve at least four times a year a waste disposal plan (section 10.3 and following). Most amendments are made in Chapter 10 concerning the production an
Act No. 364 of 2001 to amend the Environment Protection Act.
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