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The title of Article 5 shall be: "Pollution limits and emission quotas". In Article 5 shall be added paragraph 7, which shall be: "(7) The Ministry may define maximum acceptable quantities of pollutants that can be released to air during calendar year from large and medium source of pollution . In Article 14 paragraph (1) shall be: "Emission limits, pollutant matters limits, deposition limits and emission quotas for separate pollutants define acceptable level of air pollution." The Act No. 134/1992 Coll. of the Slovak National Council concerning state administration of air protection shall be amended as follows: 1) New items m) and n) shall be inserted into Article 2 after item l), which shall be: "m) defines emission quotas for the Slovak Republic according to particular districts; 6a) n) decides on amendment of emission quotas of operators of large and medium sources of pollution 6b), if these sources are situated on the territory of different regions;".
The title of Article 5 shall be: "Pollution limits and emission quotas". In Article 5 shall be added paragraph 7, which shall be: "(7) The Ministry may define maximum acceptable quantities of pollutants that can be released to air during calendar year from large and medium source of pollution”. In Article 14 paragraph (1) shall be: "Emission limits, pollutant matters limits, deposition limits and emission quotas for separate pollutants define acceptable level of air pollution." The Act No. 134/1
Act No. 393/1998 amending Act No. 309/1991 Coll. concerning air protection against pollutants (The Act on Air) as amended and concerning amendment of Act No. 134/1992 Coll. of the Slovak National Council concerning state administration of air protection.
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