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These amendments of the Act on the well-being and health of animals aim at the creation of a legal basis in the Act for purposes of receiving EC legislation on animal well-being during transportation and related activities in the Netherlands. It shall be prohibited to act contrary to EC Regulations as specified by Ministerial Decree. A Ministerial Decree may also be used for the proper implementation of EC Regulations and Decisisons (sections 59a and 59 b introduced by this Act).
These amendments of the Act on the well-being and health of animals aim at the creation of a legal basis in the Act for purposes of receiving EC legislation on animal well-being during transportation and related activities in the Netherlands. It shall be prohibited to act contrary to EC Regulations as specified by Ministerial Decree. A Ministerial Decree may also be used for the proper implementation of EC Regulations and Decisisons (sections 59a and 59 b introduced by this Act).
Amends also the Act on Economic Offences.
Act No. 457 of 2006 to create a legal basis the Act on the well-being and health of animals for purposes of implementation of European Communities legislation regarding the protection of animals during transportation and related activities.
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