This Act makes provision for a wide range of matters relative to the environment and landscape protection. The Act provides for reform and streamlining of administrative procedures for the authorization of construction or demolition activities that may affect the physical environment. In general, a physical environment permit shall be required for activities that may affect the physical environment or landscape. Activities shall include mining constructions. Some provisions concern the (treatment of) waste water and hazardous waste, permits issued under the Water Act and protection of water resources.
This Act makes provision for a wide range of matters relative to the environment and landscape protection. The Act provides for reform and streamlining of administrative procedures for the authorization of construction or demolition activities that may affect the physical environment. In general, a physical environment permit shall be required for activities that may affect the physical environment or landscape. Activities shall include mining constructions. Some provisions concern the (treatmen
Consolidated version of Act of 6 November 2008 as at 28 July 2018.
Act containing rules relative to activities that have effect on the physical living environment and regarding town enforcement of rules in the field of the physical living environment (Act General Provisions on the Physical Living Environment).
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