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This Act amends the Environment Protection Act and some other related Laws so as to cancel some obstacles in those Laws for the streamlining and amendment of current general rules of environmental protection and the extension of the application sphere of such rules.
The amendments of the Environment Protection Act concern permits for polluting facilities, regulation-making powers of the Minister, measures imposed on owners of polluting installations and the making of regulations by local authorities. The Surface Waters Pollution Act is amended with respect to regulation-making powers of the Minister and the notification of the discharge of certain substances in surface waters.
This Act amends the Environment Protection Act and some other related Laws so as to cancel some obstacles in those Laws for the streamlining and amendment of current general rules of environmental protection and the extension of the application sphere of such rules.
Act No. 606 of 2006 amending the Environment Protection Act and some other related the Act in relation (modernization of general environmental rules for facilities).
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