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The scope of this Act is to regulate the granting of permissions by livestock holders to emit ammoniac into the environment. A system of calculation of emission is introduced. Whether a permission to keep livestock or to increase an existing production and thus emit (more) ammoniac is granted or not, depends upon the location of the proposed livestock production. No permission shall be granted in ecologically fragile areas, e.g. areas that from part of a main ecosystem and are declared as such under legislation of a prior date or are declared to be such in accordance with section 2.
The scope of this Act is to regulate the granting of permissions by livestock holders to emit ammoniac into the environment. A system of calculation of emission is introduced. Whether a permission to keep livestock or to increase an existing production and thus emit (more) ammoniac is granted or not, depends upon the location of the proposed livestock production. No permission shall be granted in ecologically fragile areas, e.g. areas that from part of a main ecosystem and are declared as such u
Consolidated version of an Act of 31 January 2002 as at 19 July 2010.
Act No. 93 of 2002 containing rules regarding the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector (Act Ammoniac and Livestock Farming).
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