This Act applies to any investment to be implemented according to Article 3 of the Agreement between the Government of Hungary and the Government of the Russian Federation to cooperate on the utilization of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Title 3 of this Act addresses contractual relations between the general contractor and subcontractors. This Act amends many articles of the Atomic Energy Act and certain provisions related to the effects of ionizing radiation contained in the Health Act.
This Act applies to any investment to be implemented according to Article 3 of the Agreement between the Government of Hungary and the Government of the Russian Federation to cooperate on the utilization of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Title 3 of this Act addresses contractual relations between the general contractor and subcontractors. This Act amends many articles of the Atomic Energy Act and certain provisions related to the effects of ionizing radiation contained in the Health Act.
Act No. VII of 2015 concerning the investment in relation to the capacity conservation of the Nuclear Energy Plant of Paks and modifying certain related acts.
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