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This Act, which is composed of 45 articles, establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, the major accident prevention system for buildings and facilities where hazardous chemical substances or chemical products are placed, in order to reduce the probability of accidents and limit results of major accidents to the health and lives of humans, livestock, environment and property in buildings and facilities and in their surroundings. The Act establishes: (a) obligations of legal persons and physical persons running business who own, use or will use an object or facilities where hazardous chemical substances or chemical products are placed; (b) competences of public authorities in the area of prevention of major accidents caused by dangerous chemical substances or chemical products.
This Act, which is composed of 45 articles, establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, the major accident prevention system for buildings and facilities where hazardous chemical substances or chemical products are placed, in order to reduce the probability of accidents and limit results of major accidents to the health and lives of humans, livestock, environment and property in buildings and facilities and in their surroundings. The Act establishes: (a) obligation
Act on the prevention of major accident hazards involving dangerous chemical substances or chemical products.
Czech Republic
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