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This Act applies to diseases that may naturally transmigrate from animals to human beings and cannot be classified as epizotic diseases as defined by the Act relative to epizotic diseases. The Act introduces measures to control the diseases and appoin the the Agricultural Agency as the principal authority for purposes of this Act. The Agency may granted regulation-making powers by the Government for purposes of preventing the spreading of diseases. The matters that may be regulate include; slaughtering of animals; desinfecting; keeping of animals; transport of animals; testing and anylisis; control of animal products.
This Act applies to diseases that may naturally transmigrate from animals to human beings and cannot be classified as epizotic diseases as defined by the Act relative to epizotic diseases. The Act introduces measures to control the diseases and appoin the the Agricultural Agency as the principal authority for purposes of this Act. The Agency may granted regulation-making powers by the Government for purposes of preventing the spreading of diseases. The matters that may be regulate include; slaug
Consolidated version of Act SFS 1999:658 as amended last by Act SFS 2006:811.
Act relative to zoonoses.
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