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The present Act lays down provisions relating to the monopoly of salt in Liechtenstein. Article 1 establishes that the right of selling salt, salt mixture and brine shall be incumbent exclusively to the State. However, the present Act shall not apply to the purchase of salt with EU origin. The text consists of 9 articles as follows: Salt monopoly (1); Participation of the government (2); Tax (3); Salt prices (4); Compensation of monopoly fees (5); Penalties (6); Implementation Ordinances (7); Repeal of existing legislation (8); Entry into force (9).
The present Act lays down provisions relating to the monopoly of salt in Liechtenstein. Article 1 establishes that the right of selling salt, salt mixture and brine shall be incumbent exclusively to the State. However, the present Act shall not apply to the purchase of salt with EU origin. The text consists of 9 articles as follows: Salt monopoly (1); Participation of the government (2); Tax (3); Salt prices (4); Compensation of monopoly fees (5); Penalties (6); Implementation Ordinances (7); Re
The present Act repeals the previous Act of 10 May 1924 on the same subject.
Act on salt monopoly.
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