This Act is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (sec. 1); Organization and functioning of the Inspectorate (sec. 2); Health certificates and certificates on fulfilling minimal standards concerning hygiene and conditions of keeping livestock (sec. 3); Fees (sec. 4); System of information exchange (sec. 5); Criminal provision (sec. 6); Changes in valid provisions, transitional and final provisions (sec. 7). The Act lays down: (1) tasks, organization, mode of functioning and rules of financing the Veterinary Inspectorate; (2) rules of the cooperation of the Inspectorate with central organs of member states of the European Union responsible for obeying veterinary provisions and with the European Commission; (3) rules of issuing health certificates, including the ones specified in the Act on veterinary control in the trade.
This Act is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (sec. 1); Organization and functioning of the Inspectorate (sec. 2); Health certificates and certificates on fulfilling minimal standards concerning hygiene and conditions of keeping livestock (sec. 3); Fees (sec. 4); System of information exchange (sec. 5); Criminal provision (sec. 6); Changes in valid provisions, transitional and final provisions (sec. 7). The Act lays down: (1) tasks, organization, mode of functioning and rule
Act on Veterinary Inspectorate.
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