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These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation on the Administration of Veterinary Drugs, aiming at strengthening supervision and administration of the import of veterinary drugs, regulating the import of veterinary drugs, and guaranteeing the quality of veterinary drugs as imported. The Text consists of 32 Articles divided into 5 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Veterinary drug import application (II); Business operation of imported veterinary drugs (III); Supervision and administration (IV); Supplementary provisions (V).
The Ministry of Agriculture shall be responsible for supervising and administering the imported veterinary drugs across the country (art.3). The imported veterinary drugs shall be subject to the catalogue management. The Catalogue for Management of Imported Veterinary Drugs shall be produced, adjusted and publicized by the Ministry of Agriculture together with the General Administration of Customs (art.2). Veterinary drugs shall be imported from the port at the locality of the veterinary drug inspection institution which has the inspection qualification (veterinary drug import port). The name list of veterinary drug inspection institutions shall be determined and announced by the Ministry of Agriculture (art.4).
A Customs Clearance Document for Imported Veterinary Drugs shall be obtained for the import of veterinary drugs. The Customs Clearance Document for Imported Veterinary Drugs shall be applied for by a Chinese domestic agent to the veterinary administrative department at the provincial level at the locality of the veterinary drug import port (art.5). Imported veterinary biological products shall be sold by veterinary drug business operation enterprises within the territory of China as sales agents, but wholly foreign-owned enterprises, Sino-foreign joint venture and cooperative enterprises shall not sell imported veterinary biological products (art.10). The sales agencies, entrusted agents and dealers determined by the agents of the overseas enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall obtain the permit for business operation of veterinary drugs.
These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation on the Administration of Veterinary Drugs, aiming at strengthening supervision and administration of the import of veterinary drugs, regulating the import of veterinary drugs, and guaranteeing the quality of veterinary drugs as imported.The Text consists of 32 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Veterinary drug import application (II); Business operation of
Administrative Measures for the Import of Veterinary Drugs.
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