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The aim of the Measures is to strengthen the inspection and quarantine, ensure the health of live sheep supplied to Hong Kong and Macao and the safety of Hong Kong and Macao residents, prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases and parasitic diseases, and promote the development of animal husbandry production and trade with Hong Kong and Macao. The Measures consist of 38 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General matters; Registration management; Animal Disease Control and Prevention; Inspection and quarantine; Supervision and administration; Supplementary provisions. The General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for the unified management on inspection and quarantine of live sheep for Hong Kong and Macao.
The aim of the Measures is to strengthen the inspection and quarantine, ensure the health of live sheep supplied to Hong Kong and Macao and the safety of Hong Kong and Macao residents, prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases and parasitic diseases, and promote the development of animal husbandry production and trade with Hong Kong and Macao. The Measures consist of 38 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General matters; Registration management; Animal Disease Control and Prevention; Inspe
Administrative Measures for Inspection and Quarantine of Live Sheeps for Supplying to Hong Kong and Macao.
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