This Agreement aims inter alia at: (a) determining the terms of the cooperation between the Parties in all fields of sustainable development, utilization, management and conservation of the water and related resources of the Mekong River Basin; (b) identifying and prioritizing the projects and programs for the development of the full potential of sustainable benefits to all riparian States and the prevention of wasteful use of Mekong River Basin waters; (c) protecting the environment, natural resources, aquatic life and ecological balance of the river from pollution or other harmful effects; (d) promoting the reasonable and equitable utilization of the waters of the Mekong River. Further provisions concern the State responsibility for damages in conformity with the relevant principles of international law and the freedom of navigation for transportation and communication to be accorded throughout the mainstream of the river without regard to territorial boundaries. Chapter IV concerns the establishment of the Mekong River Commission composed of three permanent bodies: (1) the Council, which shall make policies and decisions for the utilization, conservation and management of the Mekong River; (2) the Joint Committee, which shall, inter alia, implement the policies and decisions of the Council, formulate a basin development plan to be reviewed and revised as necessary, supervise the activity of the Secretariat and make recommendations to the Council; (3) the Secretariat, which shall provide technical services and financial administration, formulate the annual work program, assist the Joint Committee in the implementation and management of projects and programs, maintain databases of information, etc. Any dispute related to the interpretation of the Agreement and the legal rights of the Parties shall be first referred to the Commission. In the event the Commission is unable to resolve the difference or dispute within a timely manner the issue shall be referred to the Governments.
This Agreement aims inter alia at: (a) determining the terms of the cooperation between the Parties in all fields of sustainable development, utilization, management and conservation of the water and related resources of the Mekong River Basin; (b) identifying and prioritizing the projects and programs for the development of the full potential of sustainable benefits to all riparian States and the prevention of wasteful use of Mekong River Basin waters; (c) protecting the environment, natural re
Consolidated version as last amended in 2011. This amendments added the Procedures for Water Quality (PWQ).The Agreement replaces the Statute of the Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin of 1957 as amended, the Joint Declaration of Principles for Utilization of the Waters of the Lower Mekong Basin of 1975, the Declaration concerning the Interim Committee for coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin of 1978, and all Rules of Procedures adopted under such agreements.
Agreement on the cooperation for the sustainable development of the Mekong River Basin.
Viet Nam
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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