The present Agreement establishes a common Control and Advisory Board for the cantons Aargau, Basel-Land, Basel-Stadt, Bern, Jura and Solothurn within their the common Milk Association. The Head Office shall be in Basel. The text consisting of 14 articles deals with follows matters: purpose, central office, inspectors, personnel, auxiliary personnel, controlling body, tasks of the controlling body, working parties, penalties commission, financing, accounting, and entry into force.
The present Agreement establishes a common Control and Advisory Board for the cantons Aargau, Basel-Land, Basel-Stadt, Bern, Jura and Solothurn within their the common Milk Association. The Head Office shall be in Basel. The text – consisting of 14 articles – deals with follows matters: purpose, central office, inspectors, personnel, auxiliary personnel, controlling body, tasks of the controlling body, working parties, penalties commission, financing, accounting, and entry into force.
Agreement on the organization and maintenance of a Regional Milk Management Control and Advisory Board.
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