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This Regulation intends to create a framework for further regulation of so-called ecological production methods and the marketing of the products produced with such production methods. The Regulation implements EC Council Regulation 2092/91 as amended. "Ecological production" is defined in this Regulation as production of plant or animal products in accordance with directions a slaid down by the Council Regulation (art. 1). This Regulation is above all concerned with the quality of "ecological" products and the marketing of such products from a point of consumer protection. Further regulation by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. (11 articles)
This Regulation intends to create a framework for further regulation of so-called ecological production methods and the marketing of the products produced with such production methods. The Regulation implements EC Council Regulation 2092/91 as amended. "Ecological production" is defined in this Regulation as production of plant or animal products in accordance with directions a slaid down by the Council Regulation (art. 1). This Regulation is above all concerned with the quality of "ecological"
Made under the Agricultural Quality Act (No. 371 of 1971).
Agricultural Quality Decree relative to Ecological Production Methods.
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