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The present Law aims at promoting agriculture in the Canton of Solothurn, ensuring favourable conditions for its development, an efficient and environment-friendly agricultural policy. In particular, its implementation must comply with a low-cost, high-quality production of agriculture, the conservation and promotion of land cultivated and developed by man, the protection of the environment, of flora and fauna, the health of people and land use planning in general. The text consists of 74 articles divided into 15 chapters as follows: General provisions (I); Conservation and improvement of production and cultivation methods (II); Consolidation of rural estates (III); Production, marketing and securing income (IV); Production and marketing of cattle (V); Animal protection (VI); Animal health (VII); Animal diseases and safety of foodstuff (VIII); Marketing of cattle (IX); Agricultural formation and further formation (X); Labour and social law (XI); Financing and contributions (X); Legal protection (XIII); Competences and enforcement (XIV); Final and transitional provisions (XV).
The present Law aims at promoting agriculture in the Canton of Solothurn, ensuring favourable conditions for its development, an efficient and environment-friendly agricultural policy. In particular, its implementation must comply with a low-cost, high-quality production of agriculture, the conservation and promotion of land cultivated and developed by man, the protection of the environment, of flora and fauna, the health of people and land use planning in general. The text consists of 74 articl
The present Law is consolidated as of 1 January 2009.
Agriculture Law.
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