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The present Ordinance implements the Animal Protection Act of 23 September 2010. The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the keeping of test animals and the breeding of genetically modified animals and the procedure of animals tests. The text consists of 31 articles divided into7 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Keeping and animal experimentation (II); Production, breeding and keeping of genetically modified test animals (III); Damage detection and documentation and reporting procedure (IV); Determination of severity of stress (V); Applications and registrations of test animal keeping and animal experimentations (VI); Final provisions (VII) .
The present Ordinance implements the Animal Protection Act of 23 September 2010. The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the keeping of test animals and the breeding of genetically modified animals and the procedure of animals tests. The text consists of 31 articles divided into7 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Keeping and animal experimentation (II); Production, breeding and keeping of genetically modified test animals (III); Damage detection and documentation and repor
Animal Experimentation Ordinance.
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