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This Act amends the Animal Importation and Quarantine Act in section 20 with respect to offences and inserts a new section (20A) on penalty notices. Offences include " without reasonable excuse failing to comply with a reasonable direction or request from a veterinary officer or biosecurity officer". A veterinary officer or biosecurity officer may serve a penalty notice on a person if it appears to the officer that the person has committed an offence under any provision of this Act. If a person served by a Notice does not intend to have the matter determined by a court, he or she may pay in the manner specified in the notice the amount of penalty prescribed.
This Act amends the Animal Importation and Quarantine Act in section 20 with respect to offences and inserts a new section (20A) on penalty notices. Offences include " without reasonable excuse failing to comply with a reasonable direction or request from a veterinary officer or biosecurity officer". A veterinary officer or biosecurity officer may serve a penalty notice on a person if it appears to the officer that the person has committed an offence under any provision of this Act. If a person
Animal Importation and Quarantine (Amendment) Act 2014 (No. 37 of 2014).
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