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An Ordinance to regulate the slaughtering of animals. It must be ensured that, in slaughtering, animals must suffer as little as possible. The Ordinance contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed. Slaughterers must be adequately trained. Part 2 contains requirements as to slaughterhouses, and Part 3 regulates the keeping of living fish. The slaughtering methods are described in Part 4. Finally, violations are set out as well as final and provisional transitions. The Ordinance is contained of 18 articles divided into 5 Parts and 3 Annexes.
An Ordinance to regulate the slaughtering of animals. It must be ensured that, in slaughtering, animals must suffer as little as possible. The Ordinance contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed. Slaughterers must be adequately trained. Part 2 contains requirements as to slaughterhouses, and Part 3 regulates the keeping of living fish. The slaughtering methods are described in Part 4. Finally, violations are set out as well as final and provisional tra
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 13 April 2006.
Animal Protection Slaughtering Ordinance.
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