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This By-law prohibits the taking or killing or having in possession more than 2 bass (other than imported bass) in any period of twenty-four hours and requires bass taken in excess of the imposed limit to be carefully handled and returned to the water from which they were taken. It shall also be prohibited to fish or attempt to fish for bass with any rod, line or weir during the period commencing on 15 May to 15 June each and every year.
This By-law prohibits the taking or killing or having in possession more than 2 bass (other than imported bass) in any period of twenty-four hours and requires bass taken in excess of the imposed limit to be carefully handled and returned to the water from which they were taken. It shall also be prohibited to fish or attempt to fish for bass with any rod, line or weir during the period commencing on 15 May to 15 June each and every year.
Bass Fishing Conservation Bye-law (S.I. No. 368 of 2007).
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