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The present Ordinance implements the Building Act of 11 December 2008. In particular, the Ordinance regulates: a) zoning, land use planning; b) legal building requirements; c) building permission and notification procedures; d) data to be collected for building statistics; e) fees. The text consists of 70 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Planing rights (II); Building rights (III); Final provisions (VI). Four Annexes are enclosed.
The present Ordinance implements the Building Act of 11 December 2008. In particular, the Ordinance regulates: a) zoning, land use planning; b) legal building requirements; c) building permission and notification procedures; d) data to be collected for building statistics; e) fees. The text consists of 70 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Planing rights (II); Building rights (III); Final provisions (VI). Four Annexes are enclosed.
he present Ordinance is consolidated as of LGBl. 2012, No. 330.
Building Ordinance.
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