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The Regulation determines requirements for operations with radioactive waste and materials related thereto. Materials related to radioactive waste are materials, installations and objects which have come into contact with radioactive waste and the total or specific radioactivity of which is less than the limits prescribed by Cabinet Regulations No 288 of 3 July 2001, Regulations on Operations with Sources of Ionising Radiation for which Special Permit (Licence) or Permit is not Required. An operator whose operations with sources of ionising radiation may produce radioactive waste when planning the operations referred to must also plan operations with the relevant radioactive waste.
The Regulation determines requirements for operations with radioactive waste and materials related thereto. Materials related to radioactive waste are materials, installations and objects which have come into contact with radioactive waste and the total or specific radioactivity of which is less than the limits prescribed by Cabinet Regulations No 288 of 3 July 2001, Regulations on Operations with Sources of Ionising Radiation for which Special Permit (Licence) or Permit is not Required. An oper
Cabinet Regulation No. 129 of 2002 on Requirements for Operations with Radioactive Waste and Materials Related Thereto
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