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The Regulation prescribes the provisions for issuing a diving permit; the procedures for the issuance, refusal and cancellation of a permit for diving in a restricted area; the procedures for maintaining the register of issued permits; terms and conditions for using the issued permits; the amount and procedures for paying the State fee for the issuance of a permit for diving at ship wreck or sunken objects sites that are or may be hazardous to marine environment or cultural and historical values. According to the document, a natural person is entitled to dive in a restricted area other than bordering on the sea coastline, from a duly registered watercraft that is equipped with an automatic identification system.
The Regulation prescribes the provisions for issuing a diving permit; the procedures for the issuance, refusal and cancellation of a permit for diving in a restricted area; the procedures for maintaining the register of issued permits; terms and conditions for using the issued permits; the amount and procedures for paying the State fee for the issuance of a permit for diving at ship wreck or sunken objects sites that are or may be hazardous to marine environment or cultural and historical values
Cabinet Regulation No. 133 of 2016 on Marine Diving in Restricted Areas
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