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The Order prohibits the feeding to livestock of certain categories of catering waste (art. 5. Articles 6 and 7 regulate the transportation, collection and holding of catering waste respectively. Article 8 regulates the landing of catering waste in Northern Ireland from a means of transport from outside Northern Ireland. Article 9 regulates the disposal of catering waste and makes provision for an inspector to serve a notice on any person in possession of catering waste to dispose of it as may be specified in the notice. Article 10 makes provision for an inspector, where he suspects that any catering waste collected or held on any premises or removed in any vehicle or container is infected with disease, to serve a notice on the person in charge of a vehicle, container, equipment or premises, requiring him to cleanse and disinfect as the inspector considers necessary.
The Order prohibits the feeding to livestock of certain categories of catering waste (art. 5. Articles 6 and 7 regulate the transportation, collection and holding of catering waste respectively. Article 8 regulates the landing of catering waste in Northern Ireland from a means of transport from outside Northern Ireland. Article 9 regulates the disposal of catering waste and makes provision for an inspector to serve a notice on any person in possession of catering waste to dispose of it as may be
This Order revokes the Diseases of Animals (Landing of Waste Foods) Order (Northern Ireland) 1971, Waste Food (Feeding to Livestock and Poultry) Order (Northern Ireland) 1974 and the Waste Food (Feeding to Livestock and Poultry) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 1976.
Catering Waste (Feeding to Livestock) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 (S.R. No. 286 of 2001).
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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