In compliance with Directive 79/373/EEC, these Rules govern the circulation of compound feedingstuffs. The application scope comprises the following: (a) feed materials; (b) additives used in feedingstuffs; (c) undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition; (d) the fixing of maximum permitted levels for pesticide residues on or in products intended for human or animal consumption; (e) certain products used in animal nutrition; (f) feedingstuffs for particular nutritional purposes. As a general rule, compound feedingstuffs may be marketed in Malta only if they are wholesome, unadulterated and of merchantable quality. Furthermore, they shall not represent a danger to animal or human health and may not be presented or marketed in a manner liable to mislead. Compound feedingstuffs shall be placed on the market only in sealed packages or containers. Further provisions regard the information to be provided in the labels.
In compliance with Directive 79/373/EEC, these Rules govern the circulation of compound feedingstuffs. The application scope comprises the following: (a) feed materials; (b) additives used in feedingstuffs; (c) undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition; (d) the fixing of maximum permitted levels for pesticide residues on or in products intended for human or animal consumption; (e) certain products used in animal nutrition; (f) feedingstuffs for particular nutritional purposes. As a
Circulation of Compound Feedingstuffs Rules, 2005 (L.N. 362 of 2005).
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