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This Act sets up a framework for the UK to achieve its long-term goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to ensure steps are taken towards adapting to the impact of climate change. The Act, among other things, sets emissions reduction targets, provides for a system of annual reporting by the Government on the greenhouse gas emissions of the United Kingdom; and creates an advisiory body called the Committee on Climate Change.
The Act gives the Secretary of State a duty to reduce the net UK carbon account for the year 2050 to at least 80% below the level of net UK emissions of targeted greenhouse gases in 1990 and to set "carbon budgets" representing UK emissions for five year periods.
This Act sets up a framework for the UK to achieve its long-term goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to ensure steps are taken towards adapting to the impact of climate change. The Act, among other things, sets emissions reduction targets, provides for a system of annual reporting by the Government on the greenhouse gas emissions of the United Kingdom; and creates an advisiory body called the Committee on Climate Change.
Version of the Act up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 23 July 2018.This Act amends the Energy Act 2004.
Climate Change Act 2008 (Chapter 27 of 2008).
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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