This Decision approves the African swine fever (ASF) diagnostic manual, which lays down procedures, sampling methods and criteria for evaluation of laboratory test results. Member States shall ensure that the confirmation of African swine fever is carried out in accordance with the diagnostic manual. The manual is composed of the following eight Chapters: (I) Introduction, objectives and definitions; (II) Description of ASF with emphasis on different diagnosis; (III) Guidelines on main criteria to be considered for the recognition of a holding as an ASF suspected holding; (IV) Checking and sampling procedures; (V) General procedures and criteria for collection and transport of samples; (VI) Principles and use of virological tests and evaluation of their results; (VII) Principles and use of serological tests and evaluation of their results; (VIII) Minimum safety requirements for ASF laboratories. Additionally, the two following tables are attached: (1) Principles of biological containment appropriate for diagnostic laboratories; (2) Biosafety requirements for experimental animal rooms.
This Decision approves the African swine fever (ASF) diagnostic manual, which lays down procedures, sampling methods and criteria for evaluation of laboratory test results. Member States shall ensure that the confirmation of African swine fever is carried out in accordance with the diagnostic manual. The manual is composed of the following eight Chapters: (I) Introduction, objectives and definitions; (II) Description of ASF with emphasis on different diagnosis; (III) Guidelines on main criteria
Commission Decision 2003/422/EC approving an African swine fever diagnostic manual.
European Union
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