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Member States may authorize the importation from third countries listed in Annex I, of semen of domestic animals of the bovine species conforming to the conditions laid down in the model animal health certificate in Annex II, part 1 and accompanied by such a certificate duly completed.
Member States may authorize the importation from third countries listed in Annex I, of semen of domestic animals of the bovine species conforming to the conditions laid down in the model animal health certificate in Annex II, part 1 and accompanied by such a certificate duly completed.
The following Decisions are hereby repealed: Commission Decision 90/14/EEC of 20 December 1989 drawing up a list of third countries from which Member States authorize importation of deep-frozen semen of domestic animals of the bovine species; Commission Decision 91/277/EEC of 22 May 1991 concerning health protection measures in respect of imports of deep-frozen bovine semen from Israel; and Commission Decision 94/577/EC of 15 July 1994 concerning animal health conditions and veterinary certification for the importation of bovine semen from third countries.
Commission Decision 2004/639/EC laying down the importation conditions of semen of domestic animals of the bovine species.
European Union
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